Hello :) My name is Anna McEvoy and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management (Early Childhood) through CQUniversity, Noosa Hub. As part of my learning journey throughout the course, I am currently taking part in a course "Managing E-Learning". This course explores the technological competencies required within a 21st century connected society, and looks at how technology provides a platform for creativity and innovation. As I continue on my learning journey I will investigate new technologies whilst continuing to increase, improve and reflect on my new and prior knowledge throughout this blog. Although I admit to being terrified of this blogging experience, I look forward to sharing my learning journey with you!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


One of the biggest points I have found about images is that images are believed to be effective in numerous activities performed in the classroom. I feel as though I have known this fact subconsciously because whilst reading a variety of blogs, it didn’t surprise me.

In my delivery of lessons in my practicum teaching, I have found that I have often used images to create meaning, provide engagement, ensure student understanding and cater for the visual learners in my class.

Through past experience I believe that images can be used in many circumstances. In a classroom there could be an Image wall, the wall could contain a bunch of images all taken throughout a school week. This wall can operate as a communication device with parents, it would be an easy and effective way for teachers to display what has been occurring in and out of the classroom throughout the week and parents are able to clearly see what their child has been doing and learning.

Images are also effective when students are making recounts or flowcharts. Images can help with the telling of a story because a picture can say a thousand words. If students have an Image to work with when writing a recount they are able to look at the picture and remember where they were, what they were doing, how they felt in that moment, who was there, what the weather was like and so on.

As you can see images are a really great tool to use in the classroom and would be a really great learning tool for students. As I am studying to be an early childhood Learning Manager I believe that images what be a fantastic tool to use in the younger grades and would support the students learning very effectively. Let me know your thoughts on the matter! :)


  1. Hello Anna,

    As a early childhood training educator myself, I agree with your perspective on images. They are very helpful within the younger grades.

    I remember last year in my prac with preps, images were used to communicate the steps of an activity. The teacher verbally communicated them first, but then wrote the instructions, on the board, with images at the end of the sentences so student's could understand and remember what needed to done.
    For example:
    Step 1: Cut out pictures in a magazine shaped liked a circle (picture of a circle and scissors)
    Step 2: Glue and then write what the item is (picture of glue and pencil) etc.

    I was amazed that even though the students couldn't read, once they saw the next picture they were able to remember what the teacher's instructions were.

    So I agree with you, relevant images need to be used within classrooms.


  2. Oh that's great Emily!
    I'm glad you agree with me on the importance of images in the classroom. I truely believe images will play a vital role in our teaching due to the fact that we are both practising early childhood educators.

    Your insights to your previous practicum experience is great, it gives me ideas of how to affectively communicate with young preps, because prep is what I ultimately want to teach :)

    Thanks for your comments Emily! They are really great! :)

