Hello :) My name is Anna McEvoy and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management (Early Childhood) through CQUniversity, Noosa Hub. As part of my learning journey throughout the course, I am currently taking part in a course "Managing E-Learning". This course explores the technological competencies required within a 21st century connected society, and looks at how technology provides a platform for creativity and innovation. As I continue on my learning journey I will investigate new technologies whilst continuing to increase, improve and reflect on my new and prior knowledge throughout this blog. Although I admit to being terrified of this blogging experience, I look forward to sharing my learning journey with you!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


YouTube is such a fantastic tool to use in the classroom! I often use YouTube clips as an engaging tool to begin a lesson. The ICT aspect of YouTube is great and catches all students’ attention, whilst offering simple initial information to introduce the topic and learning that has been planned for the day. In my past practicum experiences I have used YouTube in classroom situations to introduce and enhance learning. I have found that this tool is affective and fabulous in the classroom.

The below YouTube links are clips that I have used to introduce lessons making flowcharts:

Bees to Honey

Cotton to Clothes

Although YouTube is a great tool to use in the classroom, it also has its faults. When opening YouTube up on an interactive whiteboard it is important that websites has been checked before being shown as anything is able to pop up when using the internet. I would definitely not allow students in my class to access YouTube during their own learning time because anything is able to be accessed on YouTube. With approximately 28 students in a class it would be difficult to strictly monitor what each student is looking at on YouTube.

For YouTube to be an affective tool to scaffold learning in the classroom it would be necessary that an interactive whiteboard and the internet is available. If these are available in the classroom I would definitely use YouTube as a tool to scaffold my students learning not unlike I have done in the past. In my past experiences using YouTube in the classroom, it has been successful. Therefore, I believe this tool in a useful learning tool!


  1. Hi Anna,

    To overcome the problem of inapropriate material coming up when going live to youtube, you could try embedding it into a blog or website you have created. If you have a virtual classroom you could also try embedding it in here. This way you only go live to either the blog, website or virtual classroom which you have created and there should be no inappropriate material in these places.

    Hope this helps to overcome the negative you have found with using YouTube.


  2. Hi Kelly!

    Wow, thanks for that suggestion. I would have never thought about doing that!

    I really like the idea of having a virtual classroom with my class in the future and due to the fact that I believe YouTube is a great tool, your suggestion will benefit me and my future teaching.

    Thanks very much Kelly,
    Anna! :)
