Hello :) My name is Anna McEvoy and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management (Early Childhood) through CQUniversity, Noosa Hub. As part of my learning journey throughout the course, I am currently taking part in a course "Managing E-Learning". This course explores the technological competencies required within a 21st century connected society, and looks at how technology provides a platform for creativity and innovation. As I continue on my learning journey I will investigate new technologies whilst continuing to increase, improve and reflect on my new and prior knowledge throughout this blog. Although I admit to being terrified of this blogging experience, I look forward to sharing my learning journey with you!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today I have made my own Prezi and to be completely honest I found it really difficult and confusing! I believe it would be a great tool to use when collecting and displaying information in the classroom, although in saying this I could hardly navigate the site.

I found it difficult to move words around; I would click the wrong section of the circle that covers the word and either the page would zoom, or the words would become bigger! I then was trying to navigate the tools I could use to make my Prezi fancy and the buttons disappeared and I couldn’t find my way back!

In the end, with much difficulty, I developed a very simple Prezi as you can see below:

This tool would be extremely useful in a classroom setting, it could be used on the Smartboard or the Data Projector to display, brainstorm, collect and organise information. However, despite this, I would not use Prezi in the classroom. Due to the fact that I struggled to use this tool I personally would prefer to use a simpler tool such as Bubbl.us to display, brainstorm, collect and organise information. Not to mention that in an early childhood setting Prezi would not be appropriate as much simpler tools, that the children could use, would prove to be more useful and engaging.


  1. Hi Anna,

    I was very interested while reading your posting on the Prezi, I had a totally different experience to you :)

    I found the video clips on 'how to use' the prezi very helpful, I was wondering if you watched them before starting to design your own?

    I thought Prezi's were like concept maps and powerpoints rolled into one. Therefore they would be usefull for:
    organising thoughts, ideas and opinions
    used to show pictures and key points of a lesson, and
    a fantastic visual aid to keep students engaged.

    I agree with you though about using it in an early childhood class: Only the teacher would be able to use it for a whole class project or discussion.

    I think as future teachers we need to continue our own 'learning' of all these tools so we will be able to incorporate them into lessons in the future.


    Oh...and bubbl.us is a fantastic tool! :)
    I cannot wait to use that within an early childhood class :)

  2. Hello Emily!

    I definitely understand what you mean about Prezi’s. I do agree with you that they would be helpful in the classroom for many, many reasons, as you have stated.

    I did watch the video clips before I began designing my Prezi. Although when I began to design it I continued clicking the wrong places and zooming on things I didn’t want to zoom in on!

    I’m glad that you enjoy and understand this tool! Perhaps one day you can teach me and then I will too be able to use it in my classroom :)

    Yes, as future learning managers, we definitely need to continue our learning of these tools, otherwise our students will overtake us in no time!

    Yes, Bubbl.us is a fantastic tool, I to cannot wait to put this tool in to action within the classroom :)

    Anna :)
