Hello :) My name is Anna McEvoy and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management (Early Childhood) through CQUniversity, Noosa Hub. As part of my learning journey throughout the course, I am currently taking part in a course "Managing E-Learning". This course explores the technological competencies required within a 21st century connected society, and looks at how technology provides a platform for creativity and innovation. As I continue on my learning journey I will investigate new technologies whilst continuing to increase, improve and reflect on my new and prior knowledge throughout this blog. Although I admit to being terrified of this blogging experience, I look forward to sharing my learning journey with you!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Weebly Website

I feel the more technology I discover and try the more competent I become when dealing with different and new technologies. Up to this date I have created three very different sites, my own Blog, Wiki and Weebly. Three weeks ago I had no idea what either three of these sites were or did and now I have my own! Through the creation of these websites I am constantly developing new knowledge of technology which I believe will positively assist me in the classroom. To view my Weebly click - My Weebly.

These websites I have discovered and developed all have strengths and weaknesses, in particular the Weebly. I found it easy and fairly simple to create a Weebly and therefore believe it could be a positive in the classroom. To organise my thoughts regarding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a Weebly, I have developed a SWOT analysis. This SWOT analysis will display whether or not this tool would be beneficial in the classroom and valuable to individuals and their learning.

• Easy to create
• Useful display of information
• Cannot be altered
• Simple to view
• Can be developed appropriately for a classroom setting
• Made to suit the individual
• Supports technologically driven students

• Does not promote collaborative learning
• Is not interactive
• Students are unable to offer warm or cool feedback to other students regarding displayed information

• Creativity
• Students can access school work and homework when they please either on school computers or at home
• Develop computer skills

• Children may trust the information displayed
• Is not a scholarly source of information

This SWOT analysis shows me that a Weebly would be very useful in a classroom, I would consider using this tool in the classroom as I believe it would enhance the students' learning through the use of ICTs.


  1. Hello Anna,

    I loved your SWOT analysis, I found it very effective, to the point and correct!
    You mentioned a few aspects that I would never have thought about when considering a Weebly Website as a classroom tool.
    Such as; the students must trust the information that is displayed (a great way to introduce critical literacy, don't you think?)

    Thankyou for sharing your thoughts and knowledge Anna!


  2. Thankyou for your feedback Emily!

    I'm really glad that I have been able to provide you with some ideas for the use of Weebly's in the classroom!

    I'm sure it will be a great tool for both of us to use in our classrooms in the future :)

    I would have never thought about the critical literacy aspect that could be introduced when using this tool! Now we both have a good idea and a tool to be able to teach and introduce critical literacy in the classroom :)

    Thankyou Emily!

    Anna :)
